Neneehove tanonėstse tseheenėstsestse; tseheenėstsetse neneehove tanone:
We Are Our Languages; Our Languages Are Us
Dr. Richard Littlebear
The First Annual TCU Native Languages Summit was held virtually in March 2022.
The featured video above is the keynote presentation from Dr. Richard Littlebear,
former president of Chief Dull Knife College. Littlebear is a long-time advocate
and activist for Native language preservation. He is a first language speaker of
the Cheyenne language and is the author of numerous articles and essays on
language revitalization. His keynote is titled, Neneehove tanonėstse
tseheenėstsestse; tseheenėstsetse neneehove tanone: We Are Our Languages;
Our Languages Are Us
Links for the other sessions at the virtual language summit are below.
Poetry in Native Languages
A session of poetry in Native languages was presented by acclaimed poets Gus
Palmer Jr. (Kiowa), Ofelia Zepeda (Tohono O’odham), Chelsey Zibell, including TCU
poets Richard Littlebear (Northern Cheyenne) and Norma Marshall (Muscogee).
A session of poetry in Native languages was presented by acclaimed poets Gus
Palmer Jr. (Kiowa), Ofelia Zepeda (Tohono O’odham), Chelsey Zibell, including TCU
poets Richard Littlebear (Northern Cheyenne) and Norma Marshall (Muscogee).
TCU language program showcase, Session 1
Pane Immersion School from Bay Mills Community College
Salish Kootenai College
Oglala Lakota College
College of Muscogee Nation
O’odham Language Center from Tohono O’odham Community College
Pane Immersion School from Bay Mills Community College
Salish Kootenai College
Oglala Lakota College
College of Muscogee Nation
O’odham Language Center from Tohono O’odham Community College
TCU language program showcase, Session 2
Navajo Technical University
Aaniiih Nakoda College
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College
Navajo Technical University
Aaniiih Nakoda College
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College
TCU faculty panel: Current issues in TCU Native language education and language revitalization
Michael Sullivan, Lac Courte Oreilles University
Michael Munson, Salish Kootenai College
Mary Whitehair-Frazier, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Jerica Leavitt, Ilisagvik College
Michael Sullivan, Lac Courte Oreilles University
Michael Munson, Salish Kootenai College
Mary Whitehair-Frazier, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Jerica Leavitt, Ilisagvik College
Leading into the Future”: TCU Presidents Panel on strategic directions and
defining the future of TCU Native language revitalization movement
Lane Azure, Sisseton Wahpeton College
Sean Chandler, Aaniiih Nakoda College
Cory Sangrey-Billy, Stone Child College
Charles Monty Roessel, Dine College
Lane Azure, Sisseton Wahpeton College
Sean Chandler, Aaniiih Nakoda College
Cory Sangrey-Billy, Stone Child College
Charles Monty Roessel, Dine College
Archived recordings of Professional Development Workshops will be
found here. This section is currently in progress.